Our 2018-2019 Schedule
November 9, 2018 – 7:00pm
Program: Viewing the Northern Lights from The Arctic Circle
Presenter: Henry Dorfman
Description: A presentation of a mid-winter trip to the Arctic Circle for viewing the Northern Lights. Hear, and see, a spectrum of activities including dogsledding, a visit to a bar constructed entirely of ice (including the drinking glasses).
December 14, 2018 – 7:00pm
Program: Rafting the 226 Mile Colorado River
Presenter: Al Nels
Description: Join Al for a presentation about his 226-mile raft journey on the Colorado River.
JANUARY 11, 2019 – 7:00pm
Program: Chasing Polar Bears in the Arctic
Presenter: Allen Johnson
Description: As always, Allen Johnson’s adventures are something. Come to hear Allen talk about his adventure in the Arctic chasing polar bears.
February 8, 2019 – 7:00pm
Program: African safari and Climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro
Presenter: Margaret Hurley and Greg Bell
Description: A presentation of Margaret and Greg’s African safari and climb of Mt. Kilimanjaro.
March 8, 2019 – 7:00pm
Program: Two Weeks on the Colorado Trail
Presenter: John Youker
Description: Hiking the Colorado Trail is one of the most spectacular hikes int he United States. John Youker will talk about his two-week adventure on the trail between Leadville and Salida, Colorado.
April 12, 2019 – 7:00pm
Program: Top 10 American Adventures through the Eyes of a 10-Year-Old & Her Little Sister
Presenter: Oakley and Austen Anslinger
Description: Learn about the Top Ten North America Adventures from this ten-year-old and her eight-year-old sister who have traveled to 44 states and explored dozens of National Parks. Their Explorations have included canoe camping, backpacking, rock climbing, hiking, and camping while enjoying classic road trips. See spectacular images and video of their favorite places from Death Valley, Arches, and Glacier Bay, to the Boundary Waters, Assateague Island and along the Green River in Mammoth Cave. Experience the thrill of their first bear sighting in Yosemite and a bluff charge in Denali to the joy of summiting a classic peak like Old Rag in Shenandoah National Park and alpine hikes in Glacier National Park.